Friday, October 8, 2010

Designblok 2010: Sunday, October 10 FINALE EVENTS

12.00 - 20.00
prezentace luxusních matrací Burgess 1927
Aglas furniture
(Aglas furniture)
14.00 - .00
aukce designu 20.století
(Superstudio Bubenská 1

15.30 - .00
osobní účast designéra LIMITED
LIMITED by Roman Šedina
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
16.00 - 18.00
Závěrečný bio raut, Slavnostní zakončení první prezentace Hnutí DUHA na Designbloku
Hnutí DUHA
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
16.00 - .00
dárek pro 40 hostů
Floristická střední škola
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
17.00 - 18.00
…Rozmarné léto aneb literární dýchánky s citronádou
(Superstudio Bubenská 1

Designblok Saturday October 9 at SuperStudio Bubenska 1

Designblok 2010!
Events for October 9, 2010

10.00 - 21.00
prezentace studia
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
10.00 - 21.00
soutěž pro děti s odměnami
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
10.00 - 21.00
vytvořte si svou lampu – workshop
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
10.00 - 21.00
květinový koktejl
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
12.00 - 20.00
prezentace luxusních matrací Burgess 1927
Aglas furniture
(Aglas furniture)
14.00 - 16.00
Trash Made
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
14.00 - 14.30
Animace televizního spotu Red Bull v reálném čase kreslením do písku
Red Bull
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
15.30 - .00
osobní účast designéra LIMITED
LIMITED by Roman Šedina
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
15.30 - .00
dárek pro 40 hostů
Floristická střední škola
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
16.00 - .00
závěrečné slosování Win your shoes!
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
17.00 - 18.00
…Rozmarné léto aneb literární dýchánky s citronádou
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
17.00 - .00
degustace výrobků, které jsme obalili: salámy, pršuty, sendviče, absint
Toman Graphic Design
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
17.00 - 18.00
Motion Design / Design a právo
Unie grafického designu
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
18.00 - .00
Každý vyhrává. Test designu skleničky Becherovka od LLEV
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
18.00 - .00
koktejl (na pozvánky)
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
19.00 - .00
Design Lovers Party
Design Lovers Party
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
19.00 - .00
módní přehlídka
19.00 - .00
vyhlášení cen
Designblok Editors Awards
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
20.00 - .00
koncert skupiny TOXIQUE
mojemoje toxique
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
14.00 - .00
aukce designu 20.století
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
15.30 - .00
osobní účast designéra LIMITED
LIMITED by Roman Šedina
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
16.00 - .00
dárek pro 40 hostů
Floristická střední škola
(Superstudio Bubenská 1

Designblok 2010: October 8 Event Schedule at Orco's SuperStudio, Bubenska 1!

 Designblok keeps on giving us something to do!  Check out today's event's below.  For more information about SuperStudio Bubenska 1 contact Sarka Therova at
 October 8, 2010 Event Schedule
10.00 - 11.00
přednáška na tema motion design, interaktivita, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník, Petr Skákala, Lukáš Veverka
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
10.00 - 21.00
setkání s autorkami u partie šachu
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
10.00 - 21.00
setkání s autorkami u partie šachu
Bezděková Dana
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
11.30 - 12.30
přednáška na tema motion design, interaktivita, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník, Petr Skákala, Lukáš Veverka
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
12.00 - 20.00
prezentace luxusních matrací Burgess 1927
Aglas furniture
(Aglas furniture)
13.00 - 14.00
přednáška na téma motion design, interaktivita, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník, Petr Skákala, Lukáš Veverka
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
14.00 - 15.00
přednáška na téma motion design, interaktivita, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník, Petr Skákala, Lukáš Veverka
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
15.00 - 18.00
prezentace designéra a kolektivu
Kosmetika CAPRI
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
15.30 - .00
osobní účast designéra LIMITED
LIMITED by Roman Šedina
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
16.00 - .00
prezentace kolekce Zimní svět
La Femme MiMi
(LA FEMME MIMI by Mimi Lan)
17.00 - 18.00
Klimatické změny, Přednáška RNDr. Václava Cílka CSc. O dopadu klimatických změn na obyvatele rozvojového světa.
Hnutí DUHA
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
17.00 - .00
přátelský koktejl
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
17.00 - 18.00
…Rozmarné léto aneb literární dýchánky s citronádou
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
17.00 - .00
setkání s Emou, borůvkou, panem Krasem a dalšími snílky
VŠUP v Praze
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
17.00 - .00
Wooden Sofa
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
17.00 - 18.00
Filip Blažek – trendy v evropském grafickém designu
Unie grafického designu
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
18.00 - .00
módní přehlídka
BRYXI – Jakub Bryxi
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
18.00 - .00
drobná koktejl party
gary & báry
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
18.00 - .00
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
18.00 - .00
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
18.00 - .00
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
19.00 - .00
večírek (na pozvánky)
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
19.00 - .00
koncert, raut (na pozvánky)
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)
19.00 - .00
přípitek a prezentace
Chabera Matěj
(Superstudio Bubenská 1

Sales Moving Forward at Zlota 44, Orco's Iconic Residential Building in Warsaw!

The recent news of Zlota 44's re-issued building permit is definitely causing a buzz in buying circles in and out of the City of Warsaw. Since the release came out that the Governor of Warsaw was green lighting the pre-existing building permit clients have begun calling already to get in on a piece of the action.

The Polish Team are in the process of signing two new Letter of Intent's for purchases of apartments in this iconic building.

We congratulate Alicja Kościesza and her sales team!

For more information about Zlota 44 please contact Alicja Kościesza at

Orco Property Group Acheives Greenlight for Zlota 44!

Orco's Zlota 44 as seen in the Nightime Landscape.
Orco Property Group is pleased to announce that the Governor of the Mazovian Voivodship has confirmed the validity and effectiveness of the building permit for the Złota 44 apartment project in the center of Warsaw.  As such, Orco may now enter the construction site and resume construction based on this final and effective building permit.  While these unfortunate administrative and legal delays will make it difficult, Orco will do its utmost to complete as much of the project as it can before EURO 2012. 

 “Today’s decision from the Governor confirms what Orco has known all along:  Złota 44 is a meticulously well prepared project that was planned and designed in accordance with all Polish laws and regulations. We are very pleased with this decision because it allows us to resume construction on the site in eight to twelve weeks.   Warsaw will soon be able to showcase a state of the art skyscraper to the entire world,” said Jean-Francois Ott, Orco’s President & CEO. “Of equal importance, this decision allows Orco to finish a unique residential project in Warsaw for the benefit of our customers, shareholders, and stakeholders.  We thank our clients for their patience, understanding and support throughout this period and also thank the Orco team and all of the people in the community who dedicated themselves to helping Orco start this project again,” added Mr. Ott.

Mazovian Governor Jacek Kozłowski acknowledged that Orco had properly obtained its building permit based on absolutely correct documentation and had met all legal and procedural requirements.  As such, the construction of the Złota 44 residential building designed by Daniel Libeskind can be resumed and all arguments raised by the seven person group of protesters have been rejected.  Nevertheless, the protesters’ obstructions stopped construction for several months and have resulted in extensive damages and costs to Orco.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Designblok 2010: SuperStudio Bubenska: October 7, 2010 Events

Designblok 2010 continues until Sunday October 10, 2010.  Here's a list of the exciting events you can expect at the exhibition hall Bubenska 1 as well as the other venues in participation.

Thanks to all the designers for a job well done!

For more information on Bubenska 1 contact

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter at

9.00 - 10.00

prezentace novinek
10.00 - 11.00
přednáška na tema motion design, interaktivita, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník, Petr Skákala
11.00 - .00
prezentace designérů, tisková konference
11.30 - 12.30
přednáška na tema motion design, interaktivita, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník, Petr Skákala
12.00 - .00
prezentace luxusních matrací Burgess 1927
13.00 - .00
koktejl (na pozvánky)
13.00 - 14.00
přednáška na tema motion design, interaktivita, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník, Petr Skákala
14.00 - 15.00
přednáška na tema motion design, interaktivita, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník, Petr Skákala
15.00 - .00
prezentace nové kolekce designového skla
15.30 - .00
osobní účast designéra LIMITED
16.00 - 17.00
Ekologické odívání, Přednáška Lucie Kliegrové
17.00 - .00
prezentace designérky (na pozvánky)
17.00 - .00
Rozmarné léto aneb literární dýchánky s citronádou
17.30 - .00
Film Drink s autory, prezentace projektu
18.00 - .00
vernisáž výstavy (na pozvánky)
18.00 - .00
koktejl (na pozvánky)
18.00 - .00
koktejl (na pozvánky)
18.00 - .00
koncert, pexeso, suši
18.00 - .00
koktejl (na pozvánky)
18.00 - .00
vernisáž projektu
18.00 - .00
NAJSdrink, křest nové kolekce (na pozvánky )
18.00 - .00
vernisáž (na pozvánky)
18.00 - .00

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Parkville's Family Day Picnic!

On Saturday October 2, 2010 Orco Property Group in association with the existing owner's at Parkville hosted a fun day for family, friends, and potential clients.  The event was home to over 80 guests and all had a great time.  Children were able to compete playing wii snowboard for a free family stay at Orco Property Group's Le Mont in Spinderluv Mlyn, as well as spend ample time on the bouncy castle, having their faces painted, or get whacky balloon animals and hats made by the balloon designer.

Adults were busy socializing and new clients were able to tour apartments to get an overall look at the quality and beautiful design of Parkville.

Thanks to Katarina Cajkovicova, Sales Manager at Parkville for arranging and scheduling an amazing event.

Thus far we've already had one sale from this event and that's a GREAT thing!

For more information on Parkville contact  or visit

Follow us on Facebook @orcoworld
Follow us on Twitter @orcoworld

Citadela: A Successful Open House Day!

Citadela, a high rise residential building in Prague 4 by Orco Property Group, has had great successes since its inception.  The building is over 80% full with happy new home owners.  Located in a very accessible part of Prague 4 the building overlooks protected green areas and has vast views of Prague.

On October 5, 2010 Dasa Valdmanova and Branka Jocic, Sales Managers at Orco Property Group hosted an Open House day at the project to allow persons from the neighborhood and all over Prague to visit this unique development.  The event was successful with over 25 new leads that all seem quite interested in the available apartments and Orco Property Group in general.

Attendees of the event were excited to see new developments in Prague that meet their needs as families and individuals alike!

For more information on Citadela please contact:

Branka Jocic and Dasa Valdmanova at Citadela Open House Day!
Dasa Valdmanova at or Branka Jocic at

Designblok's October 6, 2010 Schedule of Events

Designblok is a week long exhibition of new pieces from the world of design.   This exhibition takes place once a year in Prague, Czech Republic and offers the international world of design with a stage that is unrivaled by other exhibitions in its field.

Designblok's team of organizers work hard to keep the exhibits interesting and more importantly demand cutting edge designs and products on display from their exhibitors.  Orco Property Group has worked intensely with Designblok in order to create a surreal world of design in one of Prague's legendary Cultural Buildings,  Bubenska 1,  now renamed by Designblok for its week long exhibition as SuperStudio Bubenska 1!

The schedule for Designblok events today, October 6, 2010 are as follows:

10.00 - 11.00 
Lecture - motion design, interactivity, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

breakfast with light (by invitation only)
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

designer presentation
Aglas furniture
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

11.30 - 12.30
Lecture - motion design, interactivity, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

13.30 - 14.30
Lecture - motion design, interactivity, C()()L universe - Robert Juhoš, Lukáš Fišárek, Marek Cimbálník
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

the LIMITED designer in person
LIMITED by Roman Šedina
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

16.00 - 19.00 
cocktail party

Capricious summer or literary party with lemonade
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

exhibition opening (by invitation only)
Corian® Eco-Concrete garden
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

cocktail party in the installation space (by invitation only)
Fišárková Iška
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

“Dekády a hravost” fashion show
VOŠON v Praze
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

18.00 - 19.00
Ekotransport, lecture by Martin Říha
Hnutí DUHA
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

exhibition opening of projects by architect M. Cajhamlová’s studio (by invitation only)

cocktail (by invitation only)
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

party in a new location (by invitation only)
(Czechdesign point)

presentation of new pieces
CATALANO - DesignBath
(DesignBath - Catalano)

presentation of designers and a press conference
ELTON hodinářská
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

presentation of Burgess 1927 luxury mattresses
Aglas furniture
(Aglas furniture)

cocktail (by invitation only)
Elle Decor
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

presentation of a new collection of designer glass
Bohemia Machine Glass
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)

the LIMITED designer in person
LIMITED by Roman Šedina
(Superstudio Bubenská 1)